


The ET5228 is an advanced CMOS analog switch fabricated in Sub?micron silicon gate CMOS technology. The part also features guaranteed Break Before Make (BBM) switching, assuring the switches never short the driver. The switches can handle negative signal down to -2V.


● Low RON: typical 0.4Ω @ VCC =3V

● Single Supply Operation from 1.65V?5.5V

● Full -2V?VCC Signal Handling Capability

● High Off?Channel Isolation

● Low Standby Current

● Low Distortion

● Break-Before-Make(BBM) switching

● High Continuous Current Capability: ±300 mA Through Each Switch

● Applications in Cell Phone Audio Block/ Speaker and Earphone Switching Ring?Tone Chip / Amplifier


● Package :QFN10L(1.8*1.4)

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